import java.util.Scanner; import*; import java.util.Random; import java.text.DecimalFormat; public class tableGen { private static int maxClassroom = 100, maxStudent = 4000, maxDepartment = 50, maxRoom = 1000, maxCourse = 1000, maxSection = 2000, maxAdvisor = 4000, maxInstructor = 1000, maxTeaches = 5000, maxTakes= 40000, maxPrereq = 1000; private static int maxBuilding = 100, maxName = 4200, maxDept = 100, maxTitle = 1000; private static double maxSalary = 100000.0; private static double maxBudget = 999999.0; private static int maxID = 99999; private static Random rnd = new Random(); private static String[] buildingArray = new String[maxBuilding]; private static String[] nameArray = new String[maxName]; private static String[] deptNameArray = new String[maxDept]; private static String[] titleArray = new String[maxTitle]; private static Boolean[] teachesArray = new Boolean[maxSection]; private static int[] nextCourseSection = new int[1000]; // starts at 0 private static DecimalFormat moneyFormat = new DecimalFormat("0.00"); //primary keys // classroom private static String[] classroomBuilding = new String[maxClassroom]; private static int[] classroomRoom = new int[maxRoom]; // department private static String[] departmentDeptName = new String[maxDepartment]; // course private static int[] courseCourseID = new int[maxCourse]; // store course dept for integrity check private static String[] courseDept = new String[maxCourse]; // instructor private static int[] instructorID = new int[maxInstructor]; // store instructor dept for integrity check private static String[] instructorDept = new String[maxInstructor]; // section private static int[] sectionCourseID = new int[maxSection]; private static int[] sectionSectionID = new int[maxSection]; private static String[] sectionSemester = new String[maxSection]; private static int[] sectionYear = new int[maxSection]; // teaches private static int[] teachesID = new int[maxTeaches]; private static int[] teachesCourseID = new int[maxTeaches]; private static int[] teachesSectionID = new int[maxTeaches]; private static String[] teachesSemester = new String[maxSection]; private static int[] teachesYear = new int[maxSection]; // student private static int[] studentID = new int[maxStudent]; // takes private static int[] takesID = new int[maxTakes]; private static int[] takesCourseID = new int[maxTakes]; private static int[] takesSectionID = new int[maxTakes]; private static String[] takesSemester = new String[maxTakes]; private static int[] takesYear = new int[maxTakes]; // advisor private static int[] advisorID = new int[maxAdvisor]; // time slot is defined statically // prereq private static int[] prereqCourseID = new int[maxPrereq]; private static int[] prereqPrereqID = new int[maxPrereq]; private static String squote(int val) { return ("'"+val+"'"); } private static String squote(String text) { return ("'"+text+"'"); } private static Scanner openFile(String fileName) { Scanner in = null; try { in = new Scanner(new FileInputStream (fileName)); } catch(FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println ("Could not open the file"); System.exit (0); } return in; } private static PrintWriter outputFile(String fileName) { PrintWriter out = null; try { out = new PrintWriter (new FileOutputStream (fileName)); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println ("Could not open the file"); System.exit (0); } return out; } private static void fillArrays() { int i; // fill buildingArray Scanner in = openFile("buildingNames"); i = 0; while (in.hasNext() && i < maxBuilding) { buildingArray[i++] = in.nextLine(); } if (i < maxBuilding) maxBuilding = i; in.close(); // fill nameArray in = openFile("personNames"); i = 0; while (in.hasNext() && i < maxName) { nameArray[i++] = in.nextLine(); } if (i < maxName) maxName = i; in.close(); // fill deptNameArray in = openFile("deptNames"); i = 0; while (in.hasNext() && i < maxDept) { deptNameArray[i++] = in.nextLine(); } if (i < maxDept) maxDept = i; in.close(); // fill titleArray in = openFile("courseTitles"); i = 0; while (in.hasNext() && i < maxTitle) { titleArray[i++] = in.nextLine(); } if (i < maxTitle) maxTitle= i; in.close(); } private static String getBuilding() { // building char(15) return buildingArray[rnd.nextInt(maxBuilding)]; } private static int getRoom() { // room_no char(7) return rnd.nextInt(maxRoom); // stick with 3 digit rooms } private static int getCapacity() { // capacity numeric(4,0) // we'll use 226 as max and bias it towards small rooms int i = rnd.nextInt(16); return 10 + rnd.nextInt(1+i*i); } private static String getBudget() { // budget numeric(12,2) return moneyFormat.format(maxBudget*rnd.nextFloat()); } private static String getTitle() { // title char(50) return titleArray[rnd.nextInt(maxTitle)]; } private static int getCredits() { // credits numeric(2,0) return rnd.nextBoolean() ? 3 : 4; } private static int getID() { // ID numeric(9,0) return rnd.nextInt(maxID+1); } private static String getName() { // name char(20) return nameArray[rnd.nextInt(maxName)]; } private static String getDeptName() { // dept_name char(20) return deptNameArray[rnd.nextInt(maxDept)]; } private static String getSalary() { // salary numeric(8,2) return moneyFormat.format(29000 + maxSalary*rnd.nextFloat()); } private static int getCourseID() { // course_id char(8) // we'll have courses numbered 100 - 999 return 101 + rnd.nextInt(899); } private static int getSecID(int courseID) { // sec_id char(8) // first section is section 1, then 2, by course number independent of year return ++nextCourseSection[courseID]; } private static String getSemester() { // semester char(6) check semester in ('Fall', 'Winter', 'Spring', 'Summer') return rnd.nextBoolean() ? "Fall" : "Spring"; } private static int getYear() { // year numeric(4,0) check (year > 1759 and year < 2100) // stick to 2001 through 2010 return 2001 + rnd.nextInt(10); } private static int getTotCred() { // tot_cred numeric(3,0) return rnd.nextInt(130); } private static String getGrade() { // grade char(2) int pM = rnd.nextInt(3); int lG = rnd.nextInt(3); // just A, B, C String x; if (pM == 0) x = "-"; else if (pM == 1) x = " "; else x = "+"; char y = (char) ((int)'A' + lG); return y + x; } private static String getTimeSlot() { // time_slot_id char(4) // this table is fixed with slots A through P char x = (char) ((int)'A' + rnd.nextInt(16)); return "" + x; } public static void main(String[] args) { int classroom = 30; int department = 20; int course = 200; int instructor = 50; int section = 100; int teaches = 100; int student = 2000; int takes = 30000; int advisor = 1000; int timeSlot = 10; int prereq = 100; int i = 0, j = 0, r = 0, c = 0, x = 0, y = 0; boolean tryValue = true; String b = "", d = "", s = ""; fillArrays(); // fill classroom PrintWriter out = outputFile("largeRelationsInsertFile.sql"); out.println("delete from prereq;"); out.println("delete from time_slot;"); out.println("delete from advisor;"); out.println("delete from takes;"); out.println("delete from student;"); out.println("delete from teaches;"); out.println("delete from section;"); out.println("delete from instructor;"); out.println("delete from course;"); out.println("delete from department;"); out.println("delete from classroom;"); out.println("insert into time_slot values ( 'A', 'M', 8, 0, 8, 50);"); out.println("insert into time_slot values ( 'A', 'W', 8, 0, 8, 50);"); out.println("insert into time_slot values ( 'A', 'F', 8, 0, 8, 50);"); out.println("insert into time_slot values ( 'B', 'M', 9, 0, 9, 50);"); out.println("insert into time_slot values ( 'B', 'W', 9, 0, 9, 50);"); out.println("insert into time_slot values ( 'B', 'F', 9, 0, 9, 50);"); out.println("insert into time_slot values ( 'C', 'M', 11, 0, 11, 50);"); out.println("insert into time_slot values ( 'C', 'W', 11, 0, 11, 50);"); out.println("insert into time_slot values ( 'C', 'F', 11, 0, 11, 50);"); out.println("insert into time_slot values ( 'D', 'M', 13, 0, 13, 50);"); out.println("insert into time_slot values ( 'D', 'W', 13, 0, 13, 50);"); out.println("insert into time_slot values ( 'D', 'F', 13, 0, 13, 50);"); out.println("insert into time_slot values ( 'E', 'T', 10, 30, 11, 45);"); out.println("insert into time_slot values ( 'E', 'R', 10, 30, 11, 45);"); out.println("insert into time_slot values ( 'F', 'T', 14, 30, 15, 45);"); out.println("insert into time_slot values ( 'F', 'R', 14, 30, 15, 45);"); out.println("insert into time_slot values ( 'G', 'M', 16, 0, 16, 50);"); out.println("insert into time_slot values ( 'G', 'W', 16, 0, 16, 50);"); out.println("insert into time_slot values ( 'G', 'F', 16, 0, 16, 50);"); out.println("insert into time_slot values ( 'H', 'W', 10, 0, 12, 30);"); // PrintWriter out = outputFile("classroom.txt"); for (i = 0; i < classroom; i++) { tryValue = true; while (tryValue) { b = getBuilding(); r = getRoom(); tryValue = false; for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (b.equals(classroomBuilding[j]) && r == classroomRoom[j]) tryValue = true; } } classroomBuilding[i] = b; classroomRoom[i] = r; s = squote(b) + ", " + r + ", " + getCapacity(); out.println ("insert into classroom values(" + s +");"); } // out.close(); // fill department // out = outputFile("department.txt"); for (i = 0; i < department; i++) { tryValue = true; while (tryValue) { d = getDeptName(); tryValue = false; for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (d.equals(departmentDeptName[j])) tryValue = true; } } departmentDeptName[i] = d; s = squote(d) + ", " + squote(getBuilding()) + ", " + getBudget(); // out.println (s); out.println ("insert into department values(" + s +");"); } // out.close(); // fill course // out = outputFile("course.txt"); for (i = 0; i < course; i++) { tryValue = true; while (tryValue) { c = getCourseID(); tryValue = false; for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (c == courseCourseID[j]) tryValue = true; } } courseCourseID[i] = c; courseDept[c]=departmentDeptName[rnd.nextInt(department)]; s = squote(c) + ", " + squote(getTitle()) + ", " + squote(courseDept[c]) + ", " + getCredits(); // out.println (s); out.println ("insert into course values(" + s +");"); } // out.close(); // fill instructor // out = outputFile("instructor.txt"); for (i = 0; i < instructor; i++) { tryValue = true; while (tryValue) { c = getID(); tryValue = false; for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (c == instructorID[j]) tryValue = true; } } instructorID[i] = c; instructorDept[i]=departmentDeptName[rnd.nextInt(department)]; s = squote(c) + ", " + squote(getName()) + ", " + squote(instructorDept[i] ) + ", " + getSalary(); // out.println (s); out.println ("insert into instructor values(" + s +");"); } // out.close(); // fill section // out = outputFile("section.txt"); for (i = 0; i < section; i++) { c = courseCourseID[rnd.nextInt(course)]; r = getSecID(c); j = rnd.nextInt(classroom); sectionCourseID[i] = c; sectionSectionID[i] = r; b = getSemester(); sectionSemester[i] = b; x = getYear(); sectionYear[i] = x; s = squote(c) + ", " + squote(r) + ", " + squote(b) + ", " + x + ", " + squote(classroomBuilding[j]) + ", " + squote(classroomRoom[j]) + ", " + squote(getTimeSlot()); //out.println (s); out.println ("insert into section values(" + s +");"); } // out.close(); // fill teaches // out = outputFile("teaches.txt"); for (i = 0; i < maxSection; i++) teachesArray[i] = false; for (i = 0; i < teaches; i++) { tryValue = true; while (tryValue) { j = rnd.nextInt(section); tryValue = teachesArray[j]; } teachesArray[j] = true; c = sectionCourseID[j]; r = sectionSectionID[j]; b = sectionSemester[j]; x = sectionYear[j]; // insist that instructor be in same department as the course being taught int chosenInstructor = -1; for (y = 0; y < instructor; y++) { if (instructorDept[y] == courseDept[c]) { if (chosenInstructor == -1) chosenInstructor = y; else if (rnd.nextInt(10) > 1) chosenInstructor = y; } } y = chosenInstructor == -1 ? rnd.nextInt(instructor) : chosenInstructor; if (instructorDept[y] == courseDept[c]) System.out.println("teaching outside dept: " + y + " " + c); s = squote(instructorID[y]) + ", " + squote(c) + ", " + squote(r) + ", " + squote(b) + ", " + x; // out.println (s); out.println ("insert into teaches values(" + s +");"); } // out.close(); // fill student // out = outputFile("student.txt"); for (i = 0; i < student; i++) { tryValue = true; while (tryValue) { c = getID(); tryValue = false; for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (c == studentID[j]) tryValue = true; } } studentID[i] = c; s = squote(c) + ", " + squote(getName()) + ", " + squote(departmentDeptName[rnd.nextInt(department)]) + ", " + getTotCred(); // out.println (s); out.println ("insert into student values(" + s +");"); } // out.close(); // fill takes // out = outputFile("takes.txt"); for (i = 0; i < takes; i++) { tryValue = true; while (tryValue) { j = rnd.nextInt(student); x = studentID[j]; j = rnd.nextInt(section); c = sectionCourseID[j]; r = sectionSectionID[j]; b = sectionSemester[j]; y = sectionYear[j]; tryValue = false; for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (x == takesID[j] && c == takesCourseID[j] && r == takesSectionID[j]) tryValue = true; } } takesID[i] = x; takesCourseID[i] = c; takesSectionID[i] = r; takesSemester[i] = b; takesYear[i] = y; s = squote(x) + ", " + squote(c) + ", " + squote(r) + ", " + squote(b) + ", " + y + ", " + squote(getGrade()); // out.println (s); out.println ("insert into takes values(" + s +");"); } //out.close(); // fill advisor //out = outputFile("advisor.txt"); for (i = 0; i < student; i++) { s = squote(studentID[i]) + ", " + squote(instructorID[rnd.nextInt(instructor)]) ; // out.println (s); out.println ("insert into advisor values(" + s +");"); } // out.close(); // fill prereq // out = outputFile("prereq.txt"); for (i = 0; i < prereq; i++) { s = squote(courseCourseID[rnd.nextInt(course)]) + ", " + squote(courseCourseID[rnd.nextInt(course)]); // out.println (s); out.println ("insert into prereq values(" + s +");"); } out.close(); } }